Disclaimer: West Point Baptist Campus Ministry Association INC is a 501(c)3 that is not affiliated with the United States Military Academy.
LOcal Churches
Jesus loves the church and you should be a member of a local church. We at BCM aren't a church, but rather a ministry of the church. There are so many reasons why we believe that belonging to a local, visible, gathered church is really, really important. However, there aren't many gospel-centered church options close to West Point. We have a wonderful chapel that serves our cadets and a couple off campus options are listed below.
Here are a couple articles that articulate well the importance of the local church.
1030-Traditional Service in the Cadet Chapel
1030-Contemporary service in Robinson Auditorium, Thayer Hall
1000-Gospel service in Thayer Hall room 144
1100-Traditional Service (rides at 1000 at the Librarycorner)
Grace Community Church in Washingtonville
0830-Contemporary Service (rides at 0730 from Sups Box/Trophy Point)